Welcome passionate experts and enthusiasts! We’re excited you’re interested in sharing your knowledge and insights with our community through guest blogging on WPBrief.


To ensure a smooth and mutually beneficial collaboration, please read these guidelines carefully before submitting your pitch:

What We’re Looking For

Topic Expertise: Share your genuine knowledge and experience on topics (WordPress guide, tutorials, themes & plugins, tools, web hosting, etc.) relevant to our blog. We love in-depth, actionable advice, fresh perspectives, and unique research.

Engaging Storytelling: Capture our readers’ attention with a clear, concise, and conversational writing style. Inject your personality and passion into your work!

High-Quality Content: Submit original, unpublished articles free of plagiarism and grammatical errors. Ensure thorough research and proper citation for any sourced information.

Value and Authority: Provide valuable insights, actionable tips, or unique perspectives that benefit our audience. Showcase your expertise through data, case studies, or personal anecdotes.

Content-Length: Aim for articles between [2000-10000] words. Longer content may be considered depending on topic depth and reader engagement.

Content Style

Voice: Be yourself! We encourage a friendly, engaging voice that connects with your readers.

Structure: Organize your content logically with strong headlines, subheadings, and bullet points for easy reading.

Visuals: Include relevant images, infographics, or videos to enhance your content (if applicable).

SEO: Use relevant keywords naturally throughout your article to help readers find it (optional, but helpful).

Pitching & Submission Process

Pitch us first! Before writing, send us a brief pitch outlining your article idea, main points, and target audience. This helps us ensure your topic fits our needs.

Formatting: Submit your article in Google Doc, Word file format, etc.].

Bio and Headshot: Include a short bio (1-2 sentences) and a headshot for potential publication.

What We Don’t Accept

  • Promotional content or articles aimed at self-promotion.
  • Copied, irrelevant, misleading, or spun articles.
  • Adult content or link placements.
  • Content that is offensive, discriminatory, or hateful.
  • Previously published work.

Review & Publication:

  • We carefully review all pitches and submissions. We’ll let you know within [timeframe] whether your article has been accepted.
  • If accepted, we may suggest edits for clarity, tone, or style to align with our platform’s voice and audience.
  • Once finalized, your article will be published with your bio and headshot (if desired).
  • We will also promote your article on our social media channels and newsletter.


In return for your article, you’ll get a backlink to your website/blog in the author bio or within the article body.

Bonus Tips:

  • Check out our existing content to get a feel for our tone and style.
  • Proofread your work carefully before submitting it.
  • Be patient with the review process.
  • We welcome your feedback! Feel free to reach out if you have any questions.
  • We hope these guidelines are helpful! Now go forth and write something amazing!

Rights We Reserve

  • We reserve the right to edit or decline articles that don’t comply with our guidelines.
  • To maintain relevance, we may remove or NoFollow links that don’t align with the topic.
  • Upon acceptance or publication on our platform, your article becomes exclusive to WPBrief. Simultaneous publication elsewhere is prohibited.

We’re thrilled you’re considering writing for us! Remember, we’re looking for passionate voices with insightful ideas to share. We can’t wait to read your submissions! Email us at: wpbriefblog[@]gmail[.]com